Villa Mer rental conditions in brief:
- Rent is paid in advance per month
- A deposit is applicable which will be returned upon completion when the property is left clean and damage-free
- There is a service charge per tenancy agreement
- All occupants of the house must conform to the house rules
- A fixed part of energy costs is included, the additional consumption per month is settled monthly based on subsequent calculation
- Repairs due to defects in normal use will be carried out free of charge
- Taxes are not included
Non residents: register yourself
Non residents, register yourself anytime via the RNI service desk in the city of Terneuzen. If you stay less than 4 months, You have to register via the RNI service deskt but you do not need to register with the municipality of Sluis. You have to pay tourist tax via Villa Mer. Villa Mer will then remit this to the municipality of Sluis.
If you stay more than 4 months, you have to register with the RNI service desk and with the municipality of Sluis. To register with the municipality of Sluis you have to visit the municipal hall in Oostburg in person. More information, click here
When you rent an accommodation via Villa Mer, we want to know whether you are registered with the municipality and whether or not we have to collect tourist tax from you. You are responsible for register with the RNI and the municipality, passing on the correct information to Villa Mer and any consequences if you do not.
Read more information in the brochures below (click the button to download):
INFORMATION ABOUT REGISTRATION OF NON-RESIDENTSlink to webpage with the document above in German, Bulgarian, Polish and Rumanian
link to webpage with information how and were to register at a RNI service desk (in dutch only)
Residents: report a change of address
If you are a resident of the Netherlands and you rent an accommodation via Villa Mer, you must register your new address with the municipality of Sluis. When you rent an accommodation via Villa Mer, we want to know whether you are registered with the municipality and whether or not we have to collect tourist tax from you. You are responsible for register with the municipality, passing on the correct information to Villa Mer and any consequences if you do not.
Paying taxes
Once you are registered with the municipality of Sluis, you also have to start paying taxes. You will then receive mail from Sabewa stating which taxes you have to pay, how often and how much. Sabewa is the organisation that collects the taxes on behalf of the municipality of Sluis.
Make sure you receive this mail from Sabewa about the taxes you have to pay. If you do not receive mail from Sabewa even though you are registered, something has probably gone wrong. So check that you have provided the right postal address. Or even better, make sure you receive this mail electronically via e-mail. This is your own responsibility.
If you do not pay taxes to Sabewa on time you will be fined by Sabewa!
link to website of Sabewa (only in Dutch)